The Club offers tennis programs for members of all ages and skill levels. Please see the program schedule for days and times.
Program participants must use the online program registration to sign up for programs. Please note Lessons and Clinics are offered to members only.
Sign up and payment for Junior Group Lessons, Tennis Team, and Adult Clinics is for the entire summer.
Jr. Tennis Team
Program fee includes practices and matches.
Tennis Team is offered for ages 9-16 years, or younger at the discretion of the Director of Tennis. Players must be able to serve and have some experience playing tennis. Tennis Team includes match play against other clubs and practices during the week. Check the calendar for match dates. If there are any other questions as to whether or not your child is eligible to play for the Tennis Team, the Direct of Tennis can evaluate during a 5-10 minute tryout.
Group lessons are offered for age groups 3-4 years, 5-6 years, 7-10 years, and 13-15 years.
Round robin format with winners advancing.
The High School Competitive Tennis program is geared toward High School aged players who are interested in working on their skills. The clinics will include instruction and competitive play.
Group lessons are offered for varying abilities. Adult tennis clinics are open to anyone aged 16 and older
Adult and child private lessons are available with the Director of Tennis. Contact the Charles Heard by telephone at the Club or via email to arrange for a lesson.
Private Lesson Rates
- Private 1 hr $75
- Private 1/2 hr $40
- Semi-Private 1 hr $40 per person
- 3 or More Group Lesson 1 hr $35 per person
“Three and a Pro”: 1 hour of instructional doubles with the Head Pro. The Pro will play in a round robin format with 3 people and make suggestions during play. $12/person.
- Ken Thompson – Chair
- Judith Atherton
- Stefanie Boyajian
- Tony Mongello
- Rich Whelpley
- Sean Stanford
- Jim Wylie
- Barbara Ready – Pickleball